How To Become a Home Inspector

The real estate industry has always held opportunities for individuals interested in construction, infrastructure, and providing a valuable service to prospective homeowners. 

One such opportunity lies in becoming a home inspector. If you're thinking of getting into this line of work, this guide will provide an overview of the journey ahead, outlining the steps you need to take to become a successful home inspector.

What Does a Home Inspector Do?

A home inspector is a professional who meticulously inspects residential properties, often on behalf of buyers, to identify structural issues or necessary repairs.

Their findings are compiled into a detailed home inspection report, which outlines all issues found, possible solutions, and their professional judgment on the severity of the problems.

Key areas a home inspector focuses on include:

  • Basements and Attics: These less-frequented areas are checked for signs of moisture, cracks, leaks, and other foundational issues.
  • Electrical System: Inspectors double-check wiring to ensure its safety and correct installation.
  • Plumbing: An integral part of a home, the plumbing system is inspected for cracks, leaks, or other issues that could cause problems down the line.
  • Kitchen: Inspectors assess all appliances for functionality and signs of damage or poor ventilation.
  • HVAC System: The inspection includes the HVAC system to uncover any potential problems and to ensure there are no suspicious smells or cracks.
  • Exterior of the Home: Beyond the home's interior, the inspector will evaluate the exterior of the home, including sheds, garages, gutters, and any signs of damage or rotting wood.

How To Become a Home Inspector

Becoming a home inspector requires a series of steps, each contributing to your overall knowledge and competency. The process, however, varies depending on your state's regulatory environment. 

Understand the State Requirements

Before setting off on your journey, familiarize yourself with your state's licensing requirements for home inspectors. Some states require coursework ranging from 60 to 140 hours, followed by a licensing exam, while others mandate on-the-job training under an experienced inspector. 

Complete a Training Program

Even in states that don't require a license, completing a reputable training program provides essential knowledge on construction, home systems, best business practices, and risk management. 

Home inspector training schools offer diverse course options, including online and in-person, which cater to different learning preferences. 

Pass the Licensing Exam

Most states require candidates to pass the National Home Inspection Exam, a four-hour test consisting of 200 multiple-choice questions. The cost of this exam varies by state but is typically around $200 to $300. 

Aside from commercial programs, potential inspectors can also use the Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors' (EBPHI) study guide, which provides detailed information on each area of knowledge the exam covers. 

Coupled with this, the EBPHI also offers practice exams that can provide valuable insight into the format and style of questions you can expect.

If a candidate is not able to clear the exam, they can reappear for the test 30 days later. 

Before obtaining insurance, it's essential to complete and submit all relevant home inspector applications, which might vary depending on the state. Most states require the completion of an official application to become a certified home inspector.

Obtain Insurance

Once you're officially certified, it's crucial to acquire Errors and Omissions (E&O) and General Liability (GL) insurance, as being a home inspector often involves providing advice and services to clients. 

E&O insurance offers protection if a client alleges you failed to report critical findings, thereby safeguarding you against potential legal action. 

If you're employed by a home inspection firm, they might provide this insurance for you. However, if you're self-employed or working independently, you'll need to secure these insurance types yourself.

Expand Your Network

Developing a strong network is vital in the home inspection industry. Consider joining associations like the National Association of Home Builders, the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), and the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI)

These associations can provide invaluable resources and networking opportunities. 

Gain Practical Experience

No amount of theoretical knowledge can replace the understanding gained from hands-on experience. Completing on-the-job training under an experienced inspector not only meets state requirements but also enhances your practical skills and industry knowledge.

Continue Learning

Even after establishing yourself as a home inspector, ongoing education is essential. Many states require home inspectors to undertake continuing education classes to keep their licenses current. 

This ongoing learning helps you stay updated about changes in the construction industry and allows you to specialize in certain areas, setting you apart from other inspectors.

Home Inspector Skills

Being a successful home inspector requires a fusion of technical expertise, soft skills, analytical skills, and an intrinsic understanding of business principles. These skills enable home inspectors to provide top-notch services and add value to their clients.

Technical Skills

Home inspectors must have a solid understanding of construction principles, electrical systems, plumbing, HVAC systems, and other home components. 

This technical proficiency allows inspectors to quickly identify potential issues, from foundational cracks to faulty wiring, and provide informed advice to clients. 

They should be able to visualize how different systems work together within a home, understand codes and standards for residential properties, and stay updated with the latest advancements and techniques in home construction and maintenance. 


A home inspector's role is one of great responsibility, and clients place immense trust in their assessments. Hence, integrity is a cornerstone of this profession. 

Home inspectors should provide honest, unbiased reports, regardless of pressures or external influences. Their assessments significantly influence clients' home-buying decisions and can protect them from future unforeseen expenses. 

Attention to Detail

The home inspection profession demands great attention to detail. Such inspectors must be able to spot minor issues that could reveal bigger problems down the line and accurately report these findings to clients. 

The ability to differentiate between a harmless crack and one dire structural issue lies in the sharp observational skills of a home inspector. Continuous training and hands-on experience can sharpen these skills over time.

Customer Service

Home inspectors often work with clients who might not have a deep understanding of the complex components that make up their homes. Therefore, home inspectors must possess excellent customer service skills. 

Being able to clearly explain things, answer questions, and address concerns patiently and empathetically can create a positive client experience. 

Communication Skills

Home inspectors should be able to articulate their findings clearly and concisely, both in writing and verbally. A well-structured, easy-to-understand inspection report can build a client's confidence and lead to referrals. 

Likewise, oral communication skills come into play when explaining complex problems to clients or negotiating with real estate agents and sellers. 

Business Management

Whether you want to start your own business, work within an established firm, or buy a franchise, a basic understanding of business management principles can significantly streamline operations.

Register Your Business or Join a Multi-Inspector Firm

Once a home inspector has honed their skills and met all state requirements, the next step is to decide the business model. 

Starting a private inspection business, joining an established firm, or buying into a home inspection franchise presents unique challenges and benefits. This decision should be carefully evaluated based on personal goals, financial capacity, risk appetite, and market conditions.

Average Salary

According to a recent report, the average base salary for a professional home inspector is $49,248 to $61,835 per year. Some of the highest-paying cities for this particular profession include San Jose, Fremont, San Francisco, and Oakland. 

Your income as a home inspector will linearly increase as you gain experience and become an expert within your specialization.

Bottom Line

Being a home inspector is not just about the technical aspects; it's about making a difference in people's lives by providing valuable insights into what could be one of the most important investments of their lives.

So, as you step forward into this exciting profession, remember that every house you inspect, every report you generate, and every interaction with a client is a step towards making homes safer and better. 

It's an important responsibility and a wonderful privilege.

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